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Lead. Facilitate. Serve.

Communication is difficult and complex. Take a tool or two with you to connect a little better with your team.


Solving a difficult problem often requires a new perspective with a creative solution. Admiral Grace Hopper was a virtuoso at changing the paradigm to make things work. She famously kept a clock running counter-clockwise on her wall to fight the notion of “we’ve always done it this way.”

Desired Effect Coaching Solutions has a very similar clock and a very similar mission. We are determined to fit our coaching model into your organization and not the other way around. We believe there is always a better way, but that better way must be effective, efficient, and ethical.

Since what we do is primarily a result of our experiences and learning history, learning to do something new, or something old in a novel way, is a process. Our objective is to facilitate the synthesizing and achievement of your goals along this road. We partner with you for a synergistic effect, helping to achieve things impossible to achieve alone.

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new opportunities and are comfortable working anywhere. Please follow the link below and we will reach out to you promptly.